Do you think it would be difficult to make herbal capsules that may help you in fighting against various ailments?
You can make the similar herbal capsules that people purchase from health food stores or Homeopathy medicines store by proper drying of the herbs and crushing them and making tablets of the crushed powder.
These herbal homemade capsules then can be given to your kids who in general refuse to take herbs.
These herbal capsules also help in taking of those herbs that are bitter or not so pleasant in taste.
Instructions for making herbal capsules
Step 1
Herbs should be properly dried
One can dry these herbs by following various methods like keeping the herbs handing upside down in air besides a sunny window or you may use a dehydrator to dry them up.
The air should be allowed to circulate freely whole around the herbs. The best way is to keep the herbs out to get dried under the direct sun heating rays.
Step 2
Crush the herbs making them proper powder
One can grind the dried up herbs using a coffee grinder or a spice mill or a food processor.
There are many other ways like using traditional mortar and pestle.
Step 3
How to fill the Herb Capsules
One can buy empty capsules online or from local market or local health food store.
Pull apart one of the capsule and open it up.
Scoop up a little of the stuffed dried and crushed herb power with both of the end.
Once both the ends fills up with the herb powder, push the capsule properly to close it back together.
Step 4
How to take the capsules (or eat them)
One should notice that the dried amount of herb is much more than the fresh herb.
That is, if you are taking 1 gram of herbs in the dried up capsule, it is equivalent to take 8 grams of fresh herbs.
You can use this ratio to ensure that you are taking sufficient amount of herbs and not too much or less.
These herbal capsules can be used for various purposes; one of them is to provide proper nutrients to you and your family members.
Along with that, one can use natural herbal medicines to cure various allergies common in children and adults.
Furthermore, the best characteristic of homeopathy is that herbal medicines never disturb the person with any side effect.
Thus, using proper herbs for various ailments, allergies or supplement for the diets is very easy.
If your kids are not in habit of taking fresh herbs and feel annoyed by the taste or smell of these health giving herbs, you can simply dry them up, crush them, make proper powder, fill that powder in empty capsules and use these freshly made dry herbs capsules to let your children and family members enjoy and get benefited with the excellent help from herbal medicines.
Some of the common herbal remedies that can be used as herbal capsules are ginger roots and aloe plant.
Ginger roots gets dried up in open sun light easily and once they get properly dried up, you can crush them and fill the ginger root powder in the capsules.There are many similar herbs and roots that has a significance in homeopathy.
Herbal Medicines through Home Made Herbal Capsules
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